Why Giving Is Good For Your Health

It’s in our giving where we start to receive

Joe Valentino
3 min readJul 11, 2021
Image by [Tim Mossholder] via [Unsplash] Copyright-free

Have you ever done something for someone else, then afterward felt pretty damn good about it? It comes as a surprise to some, but the act of giving actually has incredible health benefits. People have been giving to one another for centuries long, with many cultures engaging in the process as a frequent practise. As the human race has evovled and developed over time, the act of giving has stayed relativley consistent. However it hasn’t been until recent times where science has taken a look into this process and discovered some pretty amazing facts.

It has been proven through multiple studies on “Charitable Giving” that the act of giving produces a variety of benefits to both the human brain and body. Some of these benefits are listed below:

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lower stress levels
  • Less anxiety and depression
  • Increased self-esteem

On top of these fantastic physical health benefits, there are also great mental, emotional and psychological benefits in giving to others.

Kitty Stafford from Behavioural Health Services states that when you give it makes you feel happy. Why? Because amazingly, the act of giving triggers your brains pleasure…



Joe Valentino

Professional Community Worker, Humanitarian and Mental Health advocate with a passion for culture, people and community.